April 2013 – March 2015
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Scientific Research Grant Special Research Fellowship
Grant number: 13J05423
Grant amount: 1,800,000 JPY
Attended Web Intelligence Conference and Others

After presenting my work about preference estimation at the Web Intelligence Conference, I went to MIT for lectures.

Visiting cognitive science researchers in NY, giving a talk at CMU, visiting researchers in North America…
In particular, I had a valuable experience because I had a chance to present my work at International Computer Science Institute at UC Berkeley under the title of “Oxymora and Punchlines: Two Ways of Using Incongruity to Generate Attractive Sentences”.

In Anaheim, I was the facilitator of the proceedings. In Canada I participated in NeurIPS( https://media.nips.cc/Conferences/2014/Poster/NIPS-2014-Poster.pdf ).